Healthy Mind and Body

2015 was an incredibly hectic year and towards the end I barely had any free time to myself. I did however manage to complete two rounds of BBG weeks 1 to 12 and one round of BBG weeks 13 to 24. After the second round of BBG 1, i'll admit, I was bored of the routine. I lost the motivation to go on to round two of BBG 2 and decided to take a few weeks hiatus from hardcore working out.

I've been asked on my Instagram page how I stay fit (even through the holidays) and decided that I'd share a few tips. In short, I maintained a healthy eating lifestyle and squeezed in a few cardio sessions a week. I switched up my fitness routine by not renewing my gym membership and started taking yoga, pilates and barre classes at a studio near my work.

Healthy Eating:
I basically try to stick to Kayla Itsines' HELP guide on a day-to-day basis. Eating breakfast every morning has been the biggest change and has helped me start off my day with enough energy to focus and help maintain my fit form.

Ever since I started the bikini body guide, I've started to really enjoy going out for jogs (I used to hate running). During my lunch breaks, I go for runs which is a great de-stressor and a super easy way to incorporate cardio in my fitness routine.

Snowshoeing is a great cardio workout!

As I've mentioned before, I needed a break from BBG and the gym so I've decided to try some yoga and pilates as well as barre fitness. All three are super challenging yet really fun at the same time. I get to learn to move my body in different ways and learn how to use my muscles differently from the BBG workouts. They're small classes of up to 6 participants so I'm definitely getting a more personalized workout.

Those are three main ways that have helped me stay healthy without any hardcore workouts. Easing my way back to frequent workouts by continuing to incorporate healthy eating and exercise in my daily routine has been so key!
These actually taste pretty good! I drink a full serving before my resistance workouts.

Summer anyone?


"History develops, art stands still." E.M. Foster

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