Let's Be Honest Here...

I love trying new products and learning what works for me and what doesn't. Part of this process includes deciding on whether or not I should splurge or not on a particular item.

Take mascara for example:

It's a staple in many women's beauty routines and the price range is actually quite comical. In my experience, that 30 dollar "high-end" mascara actually does the same job as the 5 dollar Maybelline mascara from Wal-Mart. 

So why splurge in the first place?

A little tiny part of me is hopeful that the higher price means thick, full, long lashes that are pretty comparable to falsies. Or, that my lashes will scream luxury and everyone will wonder if they're real or not and where they can get them too. But it's really no secret: I'm a why-spend-more-when-I-can-go-to-the-drugstore kinda gal. Cause if we're being honest here, we're buying the brand, not the product.

Okay, okay. The packaging might be nicer but at the end of the day who cares? Put your money towards what really counts!

P.S. I'll be posting my favourite mascaras in another post later today :)

Lily xx


"History develops, art stands still." E.M. Foster

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